Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When Websites Come and Go

Ok, let me be honest. I go through spurts of some pretty intense fascination with celebrities. Yes, I confess it. But I never really could figure out a reason. Well, now, I have a theory. I'm starting to wonder if my visits to are directly proportional to my interest in what's going on in my own life. For example, as I look back over recent years, when I would visit Perez daily (or, as my husband will tell you, more than that), I was fairly burnt out with my life--my work at least. Perez was a welcome respite from the monotony.

I occured to me this morning, however, as I looked at the bookmark on my toolbar for that old favorite website, that I can't remember the last time I visited there. And recent visits have been, it must be said, a bit forced. Out of habit rather than interest.

Instead, I've found myself checking out for quick humor about how everyone's life out there in the web world is going. Stuff I can identify with. I'm really happy with where I am right now. I find my work very interesting and challenging...I enjoy it. So perhaps that's just it...I don't really need an escape as much.

So, I just deleted the Perez button on the toolbar. I don't doubt I'll be back, but you know, life changes...and so d the websites that help us navigate life...

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