Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who is knocking?

A couple weeks ago, as we remembered Dr. King and heard the passage of the neighbor knocking at midnight (yes, we were off lectionary), I invited the congregation to write two things on slips of paper provided:

WHO IS KNOCKING? (either on our personal or church "doors")

I'm going to be referencing some of these in my sermon this Sunday, but for your perusal and reflection, here is the complete list of those I received (I have not combined or edited any, though I have omitted blank or incomplete ones, as well as any last names--a handful):

Who is knocking?: What do they seek?

-Homosexuals: Acceptance without judgment by all people but esp. the Church
-Local mission/shelter/2nd Street and Hope: Helping Hands/time
-Children of economic and spiritual poverty: God's love, hope and physical needs met
-Sue: Mental stability and guidance to do God's will
-The unemployed: a "job", self-respect, confidence and faith
-Needy: compassion, relief
-Amy: friendship
-Our shut-ins: companionship, not to be forgotten
-Our shut-ins: friendship, a visit
-Family: time and love
-Community: invitation
-People who have disability: Acceptance as normal
-Local missions (Heartly House, Frederick Coalition, Elderly and many other): help with caring for others, for our time and other resources
-My husband's parents: attention as they age; respect
-Centennial Memorial UMC: help maintaining their church and mission to homeless
-Young people who are gang members: acceptance--for someone to be proud of them
-Erma: attention
-The elderly of our church and community: more support and visits
-American people: a government free from greed and corruption and one that does not continue to eliminate God from our lives
-LGBT: Acceptance [LGBT, if you are not aware, stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender]
-God: Me
The children of this church: A safe, clean nursery and a more child-entered children's church space
-Homeless: love and support
-My sister: Love of herself
-Nat, Kyle, Makayah: God's guidance
-A student at school: love, acceptance, attention
-Boys and Girls Club of Frederick: Money for programs to help troubled youth
-Unemployed people: work equal to his/her skills
-LGBT persons: acceptance
-Kris: Full independent life
-Desiree: teachers for children's church
-Desiree: volunteers for children's church
-2 50-ish Calvary men: a job
-50+ needy organizations: Financial assistance!!
-Like the kids who get picked last for any team, there are adults who come to church (or don't come) and are too shy to speak to anyone. They come late, leave early and sit far away from everyone else: I'm not sure. Maybe peace of mind? Maybe they need their faith not in God but in mankind renewed by having others reach out to them. Maybe they just need to hear about some good works. Maybe they are looking for reasons to believe that they themselves are good people. Maybe they've hurt their own friends and family and don't trust themselves around people right now.
-Underachieving students: a hand forward
-Joyce: prayers for healing from a 3rd knee surgery on the same knee (total knee replacement for 3rd time)
-Darlyn (friend): friendship, closeness to God, my time, stability
-Carolyn: someone to talk to, to share with
-Youth of Calvary: love and acceptance
-The needy: love and blessing
-God for Haiti: for Christians to come together and help their distant families
-Poor: opportunity/education
-People living with conflict and war: peace
-Families who are economically challenged who would like to educate their children in our weekday school: scholarships or financial aid
-Lonely Seniors: someone to notice them, spend time with them
-Clarissa: comfort
-The medical community: cures
-The people of Haiti: everything!
-Locally, the immigrant population: integration into our community--language training, jobs, education for children, housing, etc.
-The unchurched: a church home and spiritual guidance
-A neighbor: something to be fixed in their apartment

I think this is pretty powerful. In invite you to be in prayer over these peoples and needs. Surely we can do something about these. What is God calling us, calling you, calling me, to do?

Come this Sunday and hear about how all of these could be better addressed by making the main thing the main thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,
    What an interesting post. I am glad that you had such a great response. It helps you know what's on people's hearts. I suspect that they will be amazed at the interest spread. One thing about it, there are a lot of hurting people in the pews. By the way, Peggy Johnson says "Hi." Thanks again for what you are doing for Gene.

    Bill Sterling
