Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Power of a Simple Conversation

It seems like everywhere we look these days, we're reminded of the power of a bad way. The scenes coming from the health care town halls remind us how words (if shouting can really be called that) can create havoc.

At the same time however, I've been reminded this week of the power of simple conversations. This morning, I had tea with Jill, a new member at Calvary, and also the new director of Families Plus, a non-profit in Frederick. We talked about a lot of things, and just had a great talk (well, I enjoyed it at least!). Towards the end of the discussion, the idea came up of having an etiquette dinner for area kids, hosted by Calvary. Jill has access to some grants and to the kids, and we have space and people, I think, who can help. We even thought of trying to get a chef from one of the great local restaurants to cook. I'm totally excited about this, and look forward to seeing how things move forward. I think it could be really awesome. And it just kind of came up in conversation.

So often, it seems, perhaps because we're so busy, we don't take enough time to talk to people, no agenda. I understand that--we're all trying to get things done. But the sad thing, I think, is that in coming into conversations with pre-conceived ideas of what we want out of those conversations, we miss the magic that just happens when people get to know each other. That Bible passage that talks about God being present when two or three are gathered? I think it should be amended that God is ESPECIALLY present when no one is trying to put forth their own agenda.

Let's be honest. We go into more conversations with an agenda. We may not stand up and shout like some of the people at those town halls, but we come with our minds made up just the same.

Maybe, just for a bit, we can all try to just talk with each other. No agenda. No plans. Just get to know each other. In the midst of that, God will, I am sure, do amazing things.

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