Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Four Questions

At last night's Church Council, we discussed and approved the statement coming out of the Visioning Retreat. There was a great deal of discussion around whether it was a mission or vision statement. If we say our mission is simply to make disciples, then this is a flushing out of that, which begins to point at more concrete goals.

To remind you, the statement is:

Calvary United Methodist Church seeks and invites all to become disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and our world.

In fact, we could even more concisely summarize this by saying:


This is just a beginning, and the hard work lies in putting flesh on these bones and making this a reality and continued calling for our congregation.

To begin, I invite you to think around four questions, both for the ministry area(s) you may be involved with, and for our congregation as a whole:

1. What are we already doing that does this?
2. What are we doing that, if changed a bit, would do this?
3. What are we doing that does not do this?
4. What could we start doing that does this?

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