Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Today my husband and I started filling out the paperwork for the girls’ new daycare/school once we make the transition to West Virginia this summer. We’re pretty stoked about the place we found. Like really.

That said, the forms ask similar questions to ones we’ve had to do previously – we’ve had several different school and childcare placements from the time Anna started in care.

Perhaps most accurate, and subsequently a basis for descriptions like the ones we had to write today was the word Chris offered when parents were asked to share one word about their child at Anna’s preschool parent orientation (I’d just had Mary so he went on his own): FEARLESS.

This little girl does, I suppose have things that freak her out, but for a three year old, doing the zipline, being comfortable at heights, hiking through mud and creeks, and all sorts of other things, it’s a joy to see her take life by the horns. Judging by our experience so far, her little sister Mary will be right there alongside.

I don’t know what part of Anna’s personality is nature, or what part is nurture. I know we have always tried to not let our fears seep out onto her (some have seen the pics of the girls at the Willis Tower in Chicago—I’m scared of heights but did my best to get out in the SkyDeck without letting it show).

Life has a way of teaching us to be anxious, scared or hesitant. It comes without effort. What takes more work is holding on to being fearless. Or at least having the courage to face fears and try new things anyway.

My daughters continue to teach me so much about living. And being fearless.

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