Monday, January 10, 2011

Coming Back

Today marks my last day off before easing back in from maternity leave. Don't tell anyone I've been doing a few e-mails :-)

Really, though, it's strange to finally be gearing up to be back at work. It has at least been nice to be part of the Calvary community as a worshiper over these past eight weeks, but one can certainly still be quite out of the loop even at that! I have been reminded once again of how much I love my church family, and I've also had the opportunity to reflect of how it is that I approach the pastoral duties before me. My previous way of working won't do with an infant, but I think that's good. Coming back, I'll have to be more deliberative. Plan more. I am already a planner, but I think it is always good to take time before acting...and I think this is essential with an infant. Also, I've really been learning, both as my time at Calvary has spread out and as I've had to rely on others during my leave, that there are folks who are indeed quite willing and able to take some things off my plate. This might seem like a simple lesson, but I've been burned in my ministry by folks who agreed to take on a task only to be bitter later. It has perhaps made me over cautious, but it's getting better.

Also, I have learned I need to focus more on fewer tasks. This has always been a goal of mine, but one that is often easier said than done when many people think their task should be forefront on my agenda. I'm going to have to say no (or perhaps "later") to some things so that I can better address a few fewer items.

All of these things are items that I will perhaps always struggle with, but hopefully will also always continue to improve in. I think having a baby, while not a magic potion, is at least a good kick in the pants along these lines.

So...what will be my focuses this year. Honestly, I always start the year with a few focuses, and they usually grow (kind of like gremlins) as the months pass. Well, I'm not totally sure yet. I need to get back into things and see what's going on. Touch base with Ken, with our staff, and with our congregation.

I don't know what the next year holds. Heck, I'm not sure what the next week holds! But it will no doubt be exciting and challenging, and all I can hope for is that God shows up in powerful ways along the journey!

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