Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thoughts on Pregnancy

So I'm now in my 21st week of pregnancy, and I haven't really blogged about it. I guess I should, seeing as how many people have entire blogs about their pregnancy--I come across many of these when I google pregnancy questions I have.

But still, I'm not sure what to blog...I doubt anyone wants a running account of my doctor's visits (our parents get that, and they are perhaps the only ones remotely interested), and at any rate, I don't think everyone needs to know every detail. I've Facebooked a picture of the curtains I'm making for the nursery, but that hardly seems in keeping with the tone of this blog, and to be honest, I don't have the time or energy to keep up a purely-pregnancy blog (heck, I don't think I do a great job keeping this one updated!).

So at any rate, here are a few thoughts, mostly random ones, as an interruption to the normal business of this blog...to which we shall return after this, with minimal pregnancy interruption...

  1. There is a seemingly infinite number of ways to stress out a pregnant woman. These include, but are not limited to: the midwife/doctor ordered a follow up test, the hint of possible problems which leads the pregnancy woman to google the complication (this never ends well), someone making ANY comment related to the pregnant woman's weight, etc.
  2. I'm not trying to eat like a rabbit (I have increased my eating) but I don't need to be reminded that I'm eating for two. Afterall, both of us are not full-grown adults.
  3. I've been reading through childbirth, breastfeeding, baby care books, and have learned a lot. I've also ordered DVDs on those topics for my husband, because at this rate, that's all he'll have time for!
  4. Best book so far? Baby Bargains. We used their wedding book for our wedding, and we've found this book, combined with a Consumer Reports subscription (a necessity for new fathers in my husband's opinion) to be an awesome resource. It has saved us a lot of money by helping us figure out what to spend money on and what not too. Biggest surprise? For cribs, it doesn't get much safer or better quality and value than Ikea's Leksvik crib. Now we just have to find time to put it together...
  5. It IS possible to convince your husband to use cloth diapers. Now we'll see how things goes once the rubber hits the road, but chinese prefolds and snappis in hand, we're ready to go...Well, after I sew a few more diaper covers, that is...
  6. If you buy your husband a few prospective father books, he'll eventually read one of them, especially if it has a cool title that calls to his desire to be a cool dad. Many thanks, Mack Daddy.
  7. My sister apparently thinks she needs to single-handedly cloth our child (which she is quite excited about since it means buying little girls' clothes). I have tried to dissuade her. My husband sees no problem with it.
  8. Having to buy maternity pants was not nearly disturbing as when, just recently, even my regular t-shirts didn't fit right.
  9. Finding out and letting people know the gender of the baby has not, as I had hoped, stopped my mother from asking what we are going to name the baby, even though we have said we aren't going to tell. I think she thinks she will outsmart me if she keeps asking, like one day I'll forget I meant not to tell her. She may have a good strategy there, but I am on to her...
  10. Each time I am sitting in the midwife/doctor's office waiting room, always with my husband in tow, I am reminded what an awesome guy I've got!
  11. Having a sick dog (all better now) is somewhat good training for having a baby. Lesson I learned? My husband wakes up much easier than I do. I think this bodes well for my post-birth sleep, but perhaps not as well for his...
  12. Anticipating maternity leave over Advent and Christmas makes me very productive. Two of four worship services for Christmas Eve? Nearly at final drafts.
So, those are just a few random thoughts...onto other things now. Like that monstrous to-do list...


  1. congratulations, Sarah! I found your blog, as I'm not on Facebook for easy keeping in touch. I have a 14 month old, and have found working motherhood a challenge and a wonderful joy.

    Brooke, your Duke friend

  2. Brooke!!!! How good to hear from you! I was thinking about you the other day when I heard of the world cup bombing and wondering where you were these days and how things were going! We should catch up! You can e-mail me (pastorsarahumc@gmail.com) or something. How exciting to hear you are a mother! Congrats!
