Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Amended Bill

I just got e-mailed a link to this from a Delegate I e-mailed. It includes the amendments to Maryland HB 1552/SB 1091. Actually the SB, but you get the idea...


  1. In case you're interested, here is the response I sent to this rep, Senator Muse:

    Thank for you sending the amended bill. It indeed appears as it was explained to me by Senator Mooney’s office. However as I shared with his office, this entire issue is motivated by one particular case, and is not, in fact, just a minor issue of cleaning up state code. If this were proposed at any other time, with a willingness of the legislature to take the time to engage all the issues involved, it would be seen as that. At present, however, it cannot but appear to be an end run around the Attorney General’s conclusion that the original bill was unconstitutional. It has the intention, as it was thus specified by the original form of the bill, for the legislature to influence a legal issue at a time when that issue is at hand. Thank you for your response, and I know many United Methodists and those of other denominations and faith traditions in Maryland hope the Senate chooses not to address this huge matter in such a hasty way.

  2. I haven't seen a media report, but I've seen a Tweet that the Senate bill has been approved. We should focus our efforts on the House. The Economic Matters chair is Dereck Davis, and the vice-chair is David Rudolph, For those in Frederick city, Delegate Hecht sits on this committee. Note that the bill number is HB1554.
