Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Calvary Photo Mosaic

So I know, I know...we still need to get the last few days of our trip up. We will. I promise. Sometime. Hopefully before Easter. :-)

I wanted to share a new toy I just found, or the results of it at least. Check out the mosaic of Calvary photos I made using AndreaMosaic program (


I'm still trying to see how well it works, and I'm torn between the two options you seem to need to learn towards--being able to see the main image can be difficult if the individual photos are too small, but otherwise the main image is hard to see. This one is kind of middle of the road, leaning towards the main image. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I like it!! Looks like it would be fun to do ...even for other parts of the building, inside or out, or for posters, "banners", etc. We've seen this done in Disneyland and with puzzles. Lots of possibilities with this! Go, Sarah!!

    Nancy Dobbs
