Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hymns and Such

So I'm right in the middle of getting together my worship stuff for a new sermon series I'm doing on Christian denominations...my current task is getting hymns chosen. It seemed appropriate to choose hymns from each denomination's history and tradition to use on that Sunday. That's an easy enough task for some denominations, but others (like Quakers) have been a bit more challenging. Even the Quakers have a hymnal, but since I don't own a copy, I've had to rely thus far on Google to find information. And as you know, that can be a bottomless pit of random information which is difficult to sift through.

One of our shut-ins, Helen Seek, who is one of the most internet-travelled people I know, has been suggesting to me for a while that I check out the website for a series she follows called Speaking of Faith. She has lately recommended their latest on the subject of parenting. Indeed, if you haven't heard of this series, you really should take the time to check it out. And I say that as one who kept putting off checking it out...

To learn more, visit http://speakingoffaith.publicradio.org/

I haven't listened to any of the broadcasts yet, but looking over the site, you quickly learn what a great balanced and comprehesive examination of religion this is. The topics range across religious traditions, and also delve more deeply into specific trends of each.

For example, in the show on the spirituality of parenting, host Krista Tippett interviews Rabbi Sandy Sasso. Rabbi Sasso shares about how children raise some important theological questions--like why there are here, and what happens when people die. And that there is often a lack of resources for parents and teachers to answer these questions.

You should check it out now. You're already online, reading this blog, right?

I find it one of the dichotimies of ministry, that people expect pastors to be the source of all manner of good recommendations for books, sites, etc., but it's often pastors who have very little time to just explore those things. My father, himself a pastor, is a good resource for me, and he is a voracious reader. But I really value people like Helen, my father, and those others who are able to pass along a good find...even if it takes me a bit to follow up on it.

Off to go hymn searching...


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