Monday, June 2, 2008


So some people work well with a constantly changing schedule...not me. Now I like variety, and goodness knows I enjoy the thrill of the crunch--gearing up for a big event, tackling a huge task. But so much of the day to day work of being a pastor...or just life in general...seems to me to take a backseat when my schedule is in flux. So I'm excited that with Annual Conference over, my sister's graduation now behind us, and the summer ahead, I'm hoping I can get to something like an actual routine. Imagine that!

When I was in seminary I had to develop a "weekly schedule" as an assignment for a leadership class. I had a great one. Blocked time for visitation, sermon prep, devotion, meetings, etc. It was pretty impressive, and allowed for down time as well. It was awesome. But I've never been able to keep to it. There's always another meeting, a visitation that doesn't fit into a scheduled block, planning ahead for worship, or a phone call that eats my sermon prep time.

I know sme pastors do well as keeping a schedule. But I'm increasingly discovering that for many of those folks it took years in ministry to develop a schedule that actually worked for them. And they often have a secretary sitting outside their office to keep people from stopping in or calling all all times!

So we'll see if this week I can get back into a good routine. I know that when I do I'm able to get more done, and feel better about what has been done...and it also helps me keep good focus upon my own Christian disciplines...and you know, just generally not lose my mind!